Abedian School of Architecture (Bond University)

This subject will expose students to the use of robotics as a tool for design and construction in assembly and additive fabrication processes such as stacking and assembly of components and in large scale 3d printing.
Workshop-based tutorials will develop practical skills in robot operation. Classroom-based instruction will develop the software skills required to design and code robot control as part of an overall creative process. Students will examine state of the art in the global application of robotics in architecture and critically reflect upon emerging technologies and their impact upon design, including machine learning and human-computer interaction.

The class aimed to advance digital and parametric skills of the students using Grasshopper and Rhino as well as fabricating models on a spider robot.
3D printing in clay is a relatively new technology. Yet, it has already been shown that clay fabrication can drive highly sustainable building design using local and bio-sourced material.
With a variety of colours, patterns and textures clay offers an impressive range of opportunities in terms of facade designs and architectural features.

1. Understand the different types, classifications and fundamental uses of robotics and manufacturing in architecture, construction, and global industries.
2. Evaluate and critically reflect upon global best-practice examples.
3. Develop software and hard coding skills to operate additive / robotics processes including an
understanding of kinematics.
4. Apply and carry out intermediate-complexity operations of digital fabrication and computer aided
assembly processes through an applied creative project.
5. Work collaboratively in teams and with machine agents.
6. Analyse and critically reflect upon technical and creative processes.
Katelyn Carver, Oscar Churchill, Lara Damelian, Alfonso Juan De Castro Azuara, Jade Hanousek, Robert Jones, Deborah Keioskie, Katie Lander, Aaron Larkin, Rainer Lenicek, Naomi Mears, Jodie Mitchell, Bella Mulvihill, Ruby-Rose Nalywajko, Saskia Neacsu, Wren Salazar, Monet Sandral, Willem Scheepers, Jahsira Schoon, Anis Serikbayev, Luke Shields, Justin Stokes